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Welcome to the Batavia Orchid Society’s Photo Contest!

We are looking for the best orchid photo taken at our annual show. The photo must have an orchid flower in the picture, other than that it’s up to you. You may choose to submit picture of a single flower, someone holding a plant (from our vendors’ tables), an orchid exhibit, or single plant, etc. Handling or touching any of the Orchids in the exhibits is forbidden, so please make do with the position of the flowers (The Orchids and their flowers are extremely delicate and we do not want to be sending damaged plants/flowers back home to their owners).

Contest Rules
  1. Photos must be taken at the 2020 Chicago Suburban Orchid Show (Feb. 15th & 16st, 2020).
  2. Email your best 3 photos to by no later than March 7th, at midnight.
    Entries must be sent as attachments. Please label your image files with: your name, and photo #
    (ex.  LisaSmith_1.jpg, LisaSmith_2.jpg, LisaSmith_3.jpg)
  3. All photos must be kept at or below 1.5MB. All photos will be judged based on a similar resolution (800×600).
  4. Please include the following information with your submission (in your e-mail):
    • Your Full Name:
    • Address:
    • Phone #:
    • E-mail Address:
  5. You must be the photographer (and copyright holder) of any photos you submit. However, the photographic subject(s) do not have to be of your own.
  6. You retain all copyrights to any entries submitted to, but you grant the right to reproduce these entries within the domain and within Batavia Orchid Society Monthly Newsletter’s. Orchid Digest (the sponsor) reserves the right to publish the winning photos.
  7. We remind you that this is a photography contest and should not be regarded as an art or computer graphics contest. All entries must be actual, original photographs taken by the submitter.
  8. Watermarks and signatures are allowed, although reminds photographers that such elements can be distracting.
  9. Contest will be judged by members of the Batavia Orchid Society at our next Society meeting (March 10, 2020). Each member’s vote will be logged. Only one vote per member is allowed. Members that submit photos are not allowed to vote for their own photo. Winners will be notified by e-mail.
  10. The Batavia Orchid Society reserves the right to resolve disputes and disqualify entries as they see fit.
Enough rules…. HAVE FUN & GOOD LUCK!!!
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