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The Batavia Orchid Society is organized to foster among it's members, the love and appreciation of growing orchids. Membership is open to all Orchid Enthusiasts.

Annual Membership Dues are $25.00 per household. Benefits include:

Monthly meetings

We hold 12 monthly meetings per year to exchange ideas and information with other orchid enthusiasts and area experts.


Members receive the Batavia Orchid Society Newsletter, which is printed monthly and mailed at the beginning of each month. It contains information on the next meeting, current news, and a listing of Plants of the Month awarded at the previous meeting.

Annual Orchid Show

Each year in February, we host the Chicago Suburban Orchid Show.  This event brings together orchid vendors, exhibitors, and hobbyists.

Special Events

Each year we host a Christmas Party and a Summer Picnic, both include a plant auction.

Exhibit your plants

Exhibit your plants at other society orchid shows.

Common Interests

Company and support in pursuing a new rewarding hobby!

To join, fill out the online membership application below and submit. Bring a check made payable to the Batavia Orchid Society to the next meeting.

Membership Application

    Are you a member of the AOS or other professional group?

    I would be interested in helping with the following committees:

    Alternately, you can download the PDF version of our member application, print it and mail the completed the form along with a check made payable to the Batavia Orchid Society to the following address:

    Batavia Orchid Society
    3S032 Williams Rd.
    Warrenville, IL 60555

    Member Application (PDF)
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